Parking policy Scheveningen
There was already a maximum parking duration of 1 to 2 hours on the street, in addition, the hourly rates for parking on the street have been increased from € 4 to € 6.50 per hour as of 1 January 2023. This has resulted in parking rates in the public parking garages in Scheveningen currently being up to 45% lower than the rates on the street. Moreover, the accessibility of the parking garages is very good because they are located directly on the access roads of Scheveningen, at a maximum of 3 minutes walking distance from the beach and the boulevard.
This policy on the street has recently been further tightened. A trial was started on a very small scale at the beginning of May. Since the beginning of April, a 'permit holders only' policy has been in effect in four smaller streets where day-trippers are preferably completely banned. This concerns Harteveltstraat, Jongeneelstraat, Pellenaerstraat, Seinpostduin and the car park for the Oranjeflats on Gevers Deynootweg. At the time of this test, a deterrent rate of € 50 per parking transaction was introduced in these 4 streets. Unfortunately, in recent days this trial has been brought up by various media outlets as being the general policy for parking in Scheveningen, which is absolutely incorrect.
Parking Strand cheapest parking garage in Scheveningen
Everyone is very welcome to come to Scheveningen. The request to all visitors is to help keep Scheveningen accessible and to spare the residents. This is of course possible by using the bicycle or public transport. If you come from a greater distance and come by car, use one of the parking garages around the boulevard and the beach.
The most affordable parking garage is Parking Strand on Zwolsestraat. Located 2-3 minutes walk from both the Boulevard and the Beach. With an hourly rate of € 3.50 to € 3.90 per hour (depending on how busy it is at that time) and a maximum rate of 25 euros per day, it is currently the cheapest parking garage in Scheveningen-Bad. However, there are more parking garages in Scheveningen-Bad.