All our locations are opened

For the safety of our parkers and employees, we keep a close eye on the developments concerning the corona virus and have taken some precautions in our car parks. At all times, we follow the advice of RIVM.

We still welcome you with a smile

Everyone in the Netherlands is at home, but sometimes it is necessary to go out. It is good to know that all our locations are opened according to normal opening hours. Our employees help you at an appropriate distance to provide the service you are used to. They have been properly instructed to prevent the further spread of the virus and are kept informed of current news and appropriate measures. Our customer service is available like you are used to.


Extra measurements


  • We intensified cleaning, putting extra focus on payment points, banisters and door handles.
  • You can desinfect your hands at the various desinfection points.
  • Our employees keep 1.5 meters distance from colleagues and customers.
  • Employees with flu or colds are not at work as a precaution.
  • Employees on location take care of extra personal hygiene.
  • Our emergency room is available 24/7 for remote assistance or in the case of an emergency. Various measures have been taken to continue the deployment of our control room under governmental restrictive measures.

Do you help prevent further spread?


  • Pay cashless as much as possible.
  • Clean your hands at the various desinfect points in the car parks.
  • Keep at least 1.5 meters distance from others.
  • If you have a cold or illness, stay at home.
  • Come to our car parks with as few people as possible.
  • Wash your hands after visiting the parking garage.